The Dhaka Times
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Airplanes and luxury houses sold by the body!

সায়েন্স কেয়ার নামে ওই কোম্পানিটি গবেষণার জন্য দান করা লাশ বিক্রি করে অন্তত এক কোটি ২৫ লাখ ডলার আয় করেছে

Deceased Person Covered In A Sheet With A Toe Tag ** Note: Shallow depth of field

The Dhaka Times Desk A US company bought airplanes and luxury homes by selling human corpses donated for research! The British news agency Reuters published a report about the company called Science Care.

লাশ বিক্রি করে বিমান ও বিলাস বহুল বাড়ি! 1

A report published last Tuesday said that the company called Science Care earned at least 12.5 million dollars from the sale of corpses donated for research. From 2012 to 2014, the company's owners, Rogers and his wife Joshi, earned $12.5 million selling donated bodies.

According to the news, Science Care earned several billion dollars before and after the mentioned period. In 2016, ScienceCare sold its ownership for billions of dollars. However, the terms of the sale were not disclosed. However, during the sale, the company noted that more than 1 lakh people have donated their bodies to Science Care.

According to the company, ScienceCare donors received 5,000 bodies last year. From 2011 to 2015, the company received at least 17,000 donor bodies. This time Science Care sold or rented 51 thousand 500 organs!

Last year Rogers bought Jim and Mrs. Joshi a plane and a luxury house. They also have many properties in Hawaii and Colorado. However, Jim Rogers refused to comment on this matter to the media.

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