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'Saudi Arabia has betrayed the Muslim world' - Khamenei

"It is certainly a gross betrayal of the Islamic Ummah and the Muslim world."

The Dhaka Times Desk Iran's top religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said "Saudi Arabia has betrayed the Muslim world" by establishing good relations with the US and Israel.

‘সৌদি আরব মুসলিম বিশ্বের সঙ্গে বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করেছে’ -খামেনি 1

According to a report by Al-Jazeera, Iran's top religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that "Saudi Arabia has betrayed the Muslim world" by establishing good relations with the United States and Israel. In a statement published on Khamenei's official website, he said this at a conference of parliamentary representatives of Islamic countries held in Tehran on January 16.

Regarding the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said, “This holy city is undoubtedly the capital of Palestine. But Washington will not suffer the consequences of this move.”

In that statement, Khamenei complained that Saudi Arabia is helping the United States and the supporters of the Jewish state. He said that, "This is definitely a gross betrayal of the Islamic Ummah and the Muslim world." Khamenei said in another part of his speech, "We are ready to treat countries that are openly hostile to us in a brotherly manner."

Iran, a predominantly Shia Muslim country, and Saudi Arabia, a predominantly Sunni Muslim country, have long treated each other as rivals. Saudi Arabia is one of the main allies of the United States. In November last year, an Israeli cabinet minister also said that they have a great relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Note that Iran has not recognized Israel as a nation-state so far.

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