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The software will tell you the advance news of heart attack!

Checking the patient's physical symptoms can signal at least 6 hours before a heart attack

The Dhaka Times Desk Science is gradually reaching people's doorstep. The new news is that a software has been made that will tell you the advance news of a heart attack!

সফটওয়্যারই আপনাকে জানিয়ে দেবে হার্ট অ্যাটাকের আগাম খবর! 1

According to a BBC report, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved such a software; which can provide early warning of sudden cardiac arrest or lung failure. This system has also been introduced in several hospitals of the country.

The news also said that it is actually a computer program that can signal at least 6 hours before a heart attack by checking the physical symptoms of a patient. Due to which doctors and nurses can take action very quickly.

Lance Burton, general manager of Excel Medical Services, the maker of the software, said, 'Healthcare departments are now facing a big problem. People live longer now than ever before. However, people are also suffering from many long-term diseases today. Although patients are kept under observation, doctors or nurses can provide care when someone is a victim of a serious incident. It was not possible for them to understand that earlier.'

The software, called the 'Wave Clinical Platform', will not require any special equipment to use, the makers say. The new technology will work using the surveillance systems that are currently in place in hospitals. The reality is that many hospitals do not have enough doctors or staff for the patients. It may not even be possible for them to verify all the information of a patient. This software will solve this problem. It will scrutinize the patient's various information and review the physical condition, type; Which may never be caught by the common eye of the people.

According to Johns Hopkins University research, at least 10 percent of patients in the United States die due to medical errors; It is the third leading cause of death in the country.

Web software developers hope that using the 'Wave Clinical Platform' will prevent at least two and a half million such deaths a year. The software will monitor heart beat, lung breathing patterns, blood pressure, body temperature and oxygen levels, they said. Health workers can see this information on their phone, tablet or computer. Because of that, even without coming to the patient's bedside, they can monitor the patient from anywhere. It will be possible to monitor patients at levels 0-5. If a patient's status exceeds 3, the software will start sending alerts.

The report also says that the algorithm system of this software is named 'Vicencia Safety Index'. However, scientists do not expect that it will be possible to save all patients through this. They now want to reduce the death rate only by ensuring proper treatment at the right time.

According to the news, the experimental use of the software has already started and it is getting unexpected success. However, this software is still only available in intensive care units (ICU). But the makers are trying to improve it further, so that it can reach the common people as well. The researchers associated with the maker of this software are also trying to detect diseases other than heart or lungs through it.

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