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There are many rumors about Irrfan

Cancer, brain tumor spread one after the other fake news fans got confused

The Dhaka Times Desk Even before the release of Dub, there were rumors about Irrfan Khan, a popular actor in the Indian film world. However, after a while, various rumors are spreading again.

ইরফানকে নিয়ে নানা গুজব 1

Especially there is no end to the rumors about Irfan Khan's illness. Cancer, brain tumor spread one after the other fake news fans got confused. However, Irfan Khan, as always, cleared everyone's confusion by writing an open letter on his Twitter.

The actor suffering from neuroendocrine tumor is undergoing intensive treatment for several days. Suddenly there were rumors that he was getting Ayurvedic treatment from Dr. Vaidya Balendu Prakash. However, a spokesperson of the actor told the media that the news of Ayurvedic treatment is completely false.

The spokesperson also said that 'Vaidya Balendu Prakash was not consulted by Irrfan Khan. One time he contacted this doctor but only once. After that there was no contact between the two.'

The spokesperson requested that Irrfan's personal life be respected. Everyone waits for Irfan's speech before publishing any news. Taking advantage of someone's illness for self-promotion and profit is a very shameful act.

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