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Monkey training from school for farming!

People from all parts of Malaysia send their monkeys to this school for training for a nominal fee

The Dhaka Times Desk Monkeys also started to train like humans. The incident is from Malaysia. The monkey is training from the school to help farmers there!

কৃষিকাজের জন্য স্কুল থেকে প্রশিক্ষণ নিচ্ছে বানর! 1

This monkey training school was opened in Malaysia by a man named Wan Ibrahim Wan Mat. The school is located in a small village in Padang Halban, Northern Kelantan state. There are many coconut trees in this place.

According to media reports, people from all parts of Malaysia send their monkeys to this school for training for a nominal fee. A man known as Grandfather One has been training monkeys for 40 years.

This 63-year-old man made monkeys adept at farming! It also saves time and labor of the farmers. Monkeys are trained not only for farming but also for extracting cans from coconut trees.

Monkey trainer Grandfather One said, monkeys are like children to us. They climbed up the coconut tree. Dropping coconuts from there, we also adore them. We pat them on the back with love.

কৃষিকাজের জন্য স্কুল থেকে প্রশিক্ষণ নিচ্ছে বানর! 2

When Wan turned 20, he became interested in training monkeys. His career path was not very easy either. An organization called Animal Rights Group started a movement against him. The agitators eventually retreated as he did not torture the monkeys. Since then he has been training monkeys.

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