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William Al Dakhil Saudi Arabia's first female news reader!

For the first time, a woman was seen presenting news on a state television channel

The Dhaka Times Desk The Muslim state of Saudi Arabia is gradually becoming radicalized. Bans on women have been lifted in almost all cases. Now the Saudi woman is seen reading the news on TV. This first woman is Wiam Al Dakhil.

উইয়াম আল দাখিল সৌদি আরবের প্রথম নারী সংবাদ পাঠিকা! 1

Gradually, the wind of change is felt in the once radical state of Saudi Arabia. For the first time, a woman was seen presenting news on a state television channel. The presenter's name is Wiam Al Dakhil. This woman was seen reading Al Saudia TV's 9:30 news bulletin with a male colleague last Thursday.

This is the first time a woman has been seen reading the news in a conservative country like Saudi Arabia. About which there has already been a storm of discussion on social media. But many consider it as a great achievement of the country.

Wiam Al Dakhil also previously worked as a reporter for CNBC Arabia and anchor for the Bahrain-based Al-Arab News Channel.

Al Saudia TV was formerly known as Saudi TV Channel. This state-owned TV channel is managed by the Saudi Ministry of Culture and Information. It has recently been relaunched as Al Saudia TV, highlighting various initiatives of the Saudi government including Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's 'Vision 2030'.

In order to achieve this 'Vision 2030' of the Saudi Crown Prince, women in the country are currently allowed to do jobs such as driving cars, watching games in stadiums. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed also plans to increase the number of women in the workforce by a third before the end of this decade.

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