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Bullet train speed record in Japan!

This new train run by JR Central reached a speed of 360 km per hour during the test!

The Dhaka Times Desk Probably no one can believe that the train can have such a speed without seeing it with their own eyes. That's why the bullet train speed record in Japan!

জাপানে বুলেট ট্রেন গতির রেকর্ড সৃষ্টি করলো! 1

Japan's new bullet train set a speed record ahead of the Tokyo Olympics. This new train run by JR Central reached a speed of 360 km per hour during the test!

The name of this new train of Japan is N700S. Here 'S' stands for 'Super'. This is the first time in almost a decade that a new model of bullet train has been introduced on Japan's busiest line.

Indian media IANS reports that the new model will be lighter and consume less energy than the current bullet train design. In addition, special protection measures have been kept in it to avoid earthquake damage.

In this regard, it is said from the side of JR Central that the new train was able to set this record recently on Maibara and Kyoto roads.

It is said to be the highest speed record for any commercial train. However, when the new train starts its journey, the current maximum permissible speed of that route is 285 km. This train will run at this speed.

Not to mention, the bullet train was first launched in Japan during the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Since then these bullet trains have been serving with a reputation for reliability and safety.

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