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Now coming low-cost iPhone!

There is no end to people's interest in iPhone. It is natural that there will be interest in the news of a new version of iPhone

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to people's interest in iPhone. It is natural that there will be interest in the news of a new version of iPhone. But this time coming low-cost iPhone! However, nothing has been said about the exact price of iPhone that will be released in the market. Maybe the price will be known at any time.

এবার আসছে কম দামের আইফোন! 1

There is no end to people's interest in iPhone. It is natural that there will be interest in the news of a new version of iPhone. But this time coming low-cost iPhone! However, nothing has been said about the exact price of iPhone that will be released in the market. Maybe the price will be known at any time.

Apple means an expensive phone. Not everyone can afford to buy such an expensive mobile phone. So many people are interested in buying when they hear about a new iPhone. But thinking about money, many people have to drop that thought. But Apple is going to get out of this idea.

According to media reports, the low-cost iPhone SE-2 is coming to the market this time. This iPhone will be available in the market before March next year. Premium features like Face ID will be dropped from the iPhone SE-2. Instead, this phone will have the old Touch ID. There will also be no notch on top of the display due to the lack of Face ID.

The iPhone SE phone had a display of 4 inches. However, the iPhone SE-2 phone is likely to have a relatively large 4.7-inch LED display. This phone will also have Touch ID on the home button below the display.

According to news media, although Apple will not make any concessions on the iPhone SE-2 phone in terms of hardware. This phone will have the latest A13 Bionic chip. iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max phones launched in September used the same chipset.

It is known that the iPhone SE-2 is being released in the market keeping in mind the customers who currently use the iPhone Six and iPhone SixS.

Apple estimates that 3.4 million iPhone SE-2 will be sold worldwide in 2020.

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