The Dhaka Times
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Happy Ramadan Today is the day of forgiveness

The Dhaka Times Desk Rahman's 10 days ended yesterday. Today is the day of forgiveness. When Ramadan comes, the harmony between people increases. This harmony needs to remain intact throughout the year.


Today is the 11th of Ramadan. 10 days of mercy ended with yesterday's iftar. Today is the middle of Ramadan. The beloved Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, called the middle part of Ramadan as Magfirat. The beloved Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Ausatuh Magfirat.

More rewards can be collected in the month of Ramadan. It is our responsibility to protect the sanctity of this month. If someone tries to increase the price of goods in the market by increasing the price of goods in the market in order to earn more profit, if someone wants to make a big profit by adulterating the goods or using formalin, if someone cheats people by underweight, then the holy month of Ramadan is not only neglected. , he kills himself. He cannot be called human under any circumstances. He is Naradham. The beloved Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said about the month of Ramadan: Shahrul Muttayasatth is the month of compassion.

Those of us who do not respect the month that the beloved Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, called the month of compassion, cannot be good people under any circumstances. In this month, direct training of human responsibility and sense of duty towards people is obtained. Man for man - it is often said; But it is necessary to think how much it is true in reality. A Saiyim or a fasting person attains that consciousness by fasting.

The direct training to control and subdue the animal instincts in man, such as lust, anger, greed, infatuation, alcoholism, avarice or lust, is obtained through the observance of fasting. Whoever achieves this can be considered a true Muslim. And he who fails to do so will face great loss.

The great Rabbul Alamin has given dignity to this practice of fasting in various ways. In this month, Allah has given many opportunities to his servants - to atone for sins. It is possible to get the endless mercy of Rabbul Almeen through this month of fasting.

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