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Spices prevent cancer

The Dhaka Times Desk আমরা জানি তরকারিতে মসল্লা কম খেতে হয়। বিশেষ করে হাসপাতালে রোগিদের জন্য তাই করা হয়। কম মসল্লা দিয়ে রান্না তরকারি খেতে দেওয়া হয়। তবে এবার গবেষকরা বলেছেন মসল্লা ক্যান্সার প্রতিরোধ করে।


Research has shown that the spices we use as spices have many benefits. Let's find out what qualities each masala has.


Turmeric contains the powerful curcumin polyphenol. Turmeric curcumin regulates the growth of cancer cells. Curcumin induces apoptosis in the body which helps in killing cancer-causing harmful cells in the body. Helps prevent cancer like melanoma, breast cancer, brain tumor, pancreatic cancer and leukemia.


Rich in antioxidants, cumin seeds contain a compound called thymoquinan that prevents prostate cancer cells from spreading throughout the body.


Just one teaspoon of cinnamon powder throughout the day, and you can stay a hundred hands away from the deadly claws of cancer. Whether in morning tea or as a salad dressing, include iron and calcium-rich cinnamon in your daily diet.


Not only to enhance the taste of food, ginger is equally useful to avoid cancer? Apart from lowering blood cholesterol levels, it also increases metabolism and is equally useful in destroying cancer cells.


Fennel is used as a mouthwash after eating. Fennel is rich in phyto-nutrients and antioxidants that are very beneficial in preventing cancer. Fennel contains anethole which helps prevent the invasive activity of cancer cells.


Saffron contains an active anti-cancer component, crocetin (a natural carotenoid dicarboxylic acid). Not only does it prevent the progression of cancer, crocetin also helps reduce the size of cancerous tumors like magic.


Oregano contains anti-microbial compounds. The phytochemical, quercetin stored in it prevents the formation of malignant cancer cells in the body.

Naga Chilli

Apart from preventing the spread of cancer cells in the body, Naga pepper also helps in reducing the size of leukemia tumor cells. But it is better not to eat too much Naga pepper in cooking. Excess sweat can cause the body to overheat.

Source: Internet.

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