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Scientists have made 24 carat gold from bacteria!

The Dhaka Times Desk A group of researchers at Michigan State University has created 24-carat gold from a powerful bacteria. These bacteria produce powerful toxins that can be used to make 24 carat gold.


In this process called microbial alchemy, scientists discovered a method of producing high quality gold from bacteria. Assistant professor of microbiology was the head of the research team Kazim Kasefi. Kazim Kasefi, assistant professor of electronic arts and intermedia, participated in the study alone Adam Brown.

Scientists found in the study, Cupriavidus metallidurans The bacteria are capable of producing high quality 24 carat gold from high concentrations of gold chloride. According to the research team, this newly discovered bacteria is 25 times stronger than all previous studies. 24 carat very precious metal can be made through this. The researchers publicly demonstrated the process they discovered to produce precious gold from these bacteria.

Kasefi and Brown fed these bacteria gold chloride, and within a few days, the bacteria began producing high-quality 24-karat gold.


Brown said of their research, "Science is art. I'm an artist myself, so I've worked with art. Enjoying art with my work.”

Duplicating this research and creating fake gold will be a very difficult task, as the chances of it being counterfeited are slim, so it can play a special role in the global economy.

However, scientists have not said anything about when gold will be officially produced. If gold made from bacteria actually comes to the market, it is expected that the high price of gold will come down to a large extent.

Source: Inhabited.

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