The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Chicken Saslik

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's item is Chicken Saslik. It can be a favorite item of the moment.

Chicken sasalik


  • 1 TP5T rooster weighing 1 kg
  • # ginger juice 2 tsp
  • # garlic juice 2 tsp
  • # chili powder 2 tsp
  • # chili powder 1 tsp
  • # Master Paste 1 tsp
  • # Wester Sauce 2 tsp
  • # sugar 2 tsp
  • # sour yogurt quarter cup
  • # mustard oil 4 tbsp
  • # Salt to taste
  • # Butter Oil/Oil for frying
  • # tomato, large onion, capsicum, toothpick or stick.
  • Method:

    Chicken meat should be boned and cut into small rectangles. Mix salt, all spices and oil with the meat and keep it soaked for 30 minutes. Cut the capsicum, tomato (seeded) into square pieces and cut the onion lengthwise into two halves and fry. Meat, tomato, meat onion, meat capsicum should be kneaded in this way. Then fry in a frying pan/tawa in oil.

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Catering, Dhaka.

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