The Dhaka Times
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Affordable Pedal Washing Machine Made Without Electricity [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many poor people all over the world who cannot buy a washing machine if they want, this affordable pedal washing machine is made for those people.


In short:

  • No electricity is needed to run this machine.
  • This affordable machine is made keeping in mind the poor people.
  • It will steam clothes and dry clothes at the same time.

Details: In addition to the economic problems of developing countries, there are electricity problems, as a result, the people of these developing countries face obstacles in using modern products. Keeping these people in mind Alex Cabunoc And Ji A You made GiraDora It will work as a washing machine and clothes dryer at the same time. GiraDora Powered entirely by foot pedals, it requires no electricity to operate.


The inventors say they have designed the device with poor people in mind. It should be mixed with water with soap or washing powder and covered with a cloth. Then by pedaling the pedal in it with your feet, you have to rotate the wheel inside, through which the clothes are cleaned and washed. All work like a washing machine but it requires no electricity.


GiraDora is currently being tested in certain areas of Peru, but the inventors have future plans to expand it to South Asian countries and African countries. The cost of making this machine is 40 dollars.

Let's see how this washing mess works in the video:

Source: Inhabitat

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