The Dhaka Times
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The story of the most beautiful street in the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk Historically, roads have left a unique contribution to the development of human civilization. Dear readers of The Dhaka Times, today I will present to you the story of the most beautiful road in the world.


It is a city in Brazil Rio Grande do Sul Its a road. There are rows of beautiful long trees growing on both sides of the road here. The rows of these trees are so beautiful that if you look at them, you will think that this is an old, unique and beautiful city described in an ancient literature.

All the tree species planted here are Tipuana, these trees have been adorning this road side since 1930. In 2005, the administration wanted to cut these trees for the construction of buildings here, but faced strong resistance from the locals. Later the townspeople were able to protect these trees.

A sight to see on this extraordinary road is created when these trees bloom and all those flowers fall on the road! A yellow glow is created across the road! Locals named it the yellow of love.

If there were roads like this all over the world, it would be a sight to behold. The shape of the world and the environment would change.

Source: Viralnova

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