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Caution: Insomnia helps the formation of cancer cells in the body!

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers say that if a person's night sleep is less, then his body's immune system is extremely disturbed. This accelerates the formation of cancer cells, a terrible death disease in the body!


Recently published in the journal of cancer research, a terrible information for people. The bad news for people who sleep less is that they are more likely to develop cancer cells silently.

In an experiment the researchers conducted on the microorganism, mice with two types of cancerous tumors were taken and divided into two groups. One part is stirred every minute with a special brush so that they do not fall asleep. On the other hand, the rats of the other group were kept in strict silence all the time. In the case of two groups of mice, one group is sleeping soundly and the other group is restless.


Special changes were observed between sleep-deprived rats and resting rats. Since two half of the mice already had tumors, but among them, those who did not sleep properly, the tumors grew terribly. On the other hand, those who slept peacefully had a relatively low tumor growth!

So the mentioned research proves that insufficient sleep in the body has a direct role in the growth of cancer cells! It also blocks the immune system.

Cancer researcher David Gozal "This study doesn't make us think about the growth of cancer cells, it's more scary that lack of sleep affects our immune system, so we are at risk of various diseases!"

However, the researchers said that they are already researching some special measures to prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Source: The Tech Journal

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