The Dhaka Times
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Tazreen Garments fire: Owner and his wife in jail

The Dhaka Times Desk Criminals never live. Even after a long time, that has been proven. The court has sent the owner of Tazreen Fashion and his wife, the main protagonists of the commemorative garment fire incident, to jail.

Bangladesh Factory Fire

Despite the occurrence of such a huge fire, the owner of this establishment remained out of touch for so long. Because he cannot avoid his responsibility as an owner. Delwar Hossain, the owner and managing director of Tazreen Fashions, was in good health avoiding the responsibility of the tragic death of so many people as the owner. The court rejected the bail plea of Delwar Hossain and his wife Mahmuda Akhtar and sent them to jail. They surrendered and applied for bail in Dhaka judicial magistrate Tajul Islam's court on Sunday morning. After the hearing, the judge gave the order.


On the evening of November 24, 2012, a terrible fire broke out at Tazreen Fashions. At least 111 people were killed and more than two hundred workers were injured. The day after the incident, the police of Ashulia police station filed a case accusing unknown persons of arson in the factory. A few days after the incident, Abdul Matin, the brother of a missing worker named Rehana, filed a complaint against Delwar Hossain in the lower court of Dhaka on the charge of murder. Then the court ordered the Ashulia police station to investigate the case. One year and 8 days after the incident, on December 22 last year, the Criminal Investigation Department CID filed a charge sheet against 13 people including the owner, managing director of the company. In this charge sheet, the accused have been accused of negligent homicide, manslaughter, causing damage to property by arson.

The accused are Tazreen Garments MD Delwar Hossain, his wife Chairman Mahmuda Akhtar, Engineer M Mahabubul Morshed, Factory Manager Abdur Razzak, Production Manager Mobarak Hossain alias Manju, Quality Manager Shahiduzzaman alias Dulal, Dulal Uddin, Hamidul Islam, Al Amin. , Md. Al Amin, Anarul, Shamim Mia and Anisur Rahman. Of the latter 6, 5 are on bail and one is in jail.

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