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Learn how to relieve back pain

The Dhaka Times Desk The waist joint is the most joint in the human body. Most of the body's weight depends on it and it controls the balance of the body. It is a critical part of body movement. But diseases like arthritis and brusitis can hamper your normal movement.


Make a change in lifestyle

Chronic back pain due to age is known to be a common ailment. But to get relief from the pain of arthritis and brusitis, you need to exercise regularly. Today we will show the reader how to get rid of back pain.

1. It is very important to know why your pain started. Talk to your doctor before meditating or exercising. Back pain can be caused by many reasons, among the diseases that are responsible for back pain are arthritis and brusitis. Don't ignore back pain, always ask your doctor what to do for back pain.

2. NSAIDs are the most effective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for back pain. Aspirin and naproxen are the most effective at relieving back pain. But of course, remember that if your inflammation does not go down after taking many medicines, consult a doctor immediately.

3. Apply ice to your waist for 15 minutes every day. This will soothe the inflammation in your joints. However, heat works very well for arthritis pain. In this case you can take bath with warm water. Also some bags made of rubber are available in the market. You can pour hot water in it and squeeze it on the inflammation of your waist.

4. If your back has been injured due to an accident and is causing back pain, increase your rest time. Avoid activities that may aggravate back pain.


5. Watch your body weight. As your body weight increases, so will the pressure on your waistline. As a result, if you already have back pain, it will increase. If you are overweight, try to lose it.

6. Most of our body weight rests on the feet, so the connection between the feet and the hip joint is closely related. So read the shoes that suit your body type. It is not advisable to use shoes that put pressure on the waist. A US study found that women who wore high heels were more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis than women who wore regular shoes.

Start your day with exercise

If your body's blood flow is normal, you can spend the day pain-free. It is more effective for arthritis patients. You can start the day with some waist exercises. It will make your whole day better.


1. Lie straight with your back on the floor. Keep the legs bent. This will keep the back of your body upright. Then lift the front of the body with weight on the feet and hands. Then slowly bring it down again. Do this for 10 minutes.


2. stand up straight Extend your right leg horizontally with the ground as far as is comfortable. Then slowly bring it back to exhale. Now extend the left leg similarly. Then slowly bring it back again. Do this a few times.


3. Lie straight again. Without bending the body, raise the right leg straight up. Hold for a while. Then bring it down slowly. Now raise and lower the left leg in the same way.

Satara is a good effective exercise. If you have satar facilities, spend a certain time daily in satar. In addition to daily exercise, consult your doctor or therapist at least once a month.

Reference: wikihow

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