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Why do we lose our childhood memories?

The Dhaka Times Desk The structure of the human brain is very complex. There is no end to people's curiosity about this part shrouded in mystery. So researchers repeatedly study the brain and get new information. A major feature of the brain is memory. The brain's memory retention process is more complex and mysterious. A question comes to everyone's mind, why can't we remember our childhood memories? Researchers have recently found the answer to this question.


Various aspects of daily life remain as memories. Some are in the mind, some are in the subconscious. But surprisingly, we cannot remember anything from the age of 2-3 years. Through new research, researchers have finally been able to explain this. It is like this:

As we age, brain cells delete old memories and add new memories to the same cells.

This study, led by Catherine Akers, shows that just as old data can be erased on a computer's hard disk and new data can be written, brain cells write new memories on top of previous memories. This effectively deletes the previous memory. Childhood amnesia is mainly due to lack of memory of that time. So most of the people cannot remember any event of 2-3 years.


But it is not the case that memories are not formed at that age. Of course memories are made. But it doesn't last long. It can be explained like this - as you move forward, you will see a certain distance behind looking back. The previous part is constantly being lost.

Our memory is basically brain In the hippocampal circuit is deposited. As we age, new neurons replace these circuits. This results in memories reattached to earlier circuits or weakened over time.

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The researchers obtained this information by studying a group of elderly mice. This is done through neurogenesis. They found that recalling memories destroyed earlier memories.

Source: thetechjournal

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