The Dhaka Times
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BGP fires at trawler bound for Malaysia: 5 Bangladeshis killed

The Dhaka Times Desk 5 Bangladeshis killed by BGP on trawler in Bay of Bengal east-south of St. Martin while traveling illegally to Malaysia. This incident took place on the border of Myanmar, 10 kilometers away from St. Martin, on Wednesday around 11:30 am.

5 Bangladeshis killed

According to the media, a trawler with 3500 passengers was trapped in the east-southern Bay of Bengal of St. Martin on its way to Malaysia illegally due to firing by the Myanmar border guard force BGP. It was initially reported that at least 5 Bangladeshis were killed in this incident.

It is known that a trawler with 300 passengers was going to Malaysia in the Bay of Bengal in Saint Martin. It is believed that they were going to Malaysia for work. On its way, the trawler got stuck near Chita Pahar after being blocked by members of the Myanmar Border Guard Force. At least 5 Bangladeshis were killed when the BGP members fired at the trawler, the news media reported, quoting a source. It is said that till 12:30 pm, BGP members fired intermittently. However, the Coast Guard could not confirm the reports of firing and casualties. However, it is reported that Coast Guard members have been sent there from St. Martin.

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