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Recipe: Chanar Halwa

The Dhaka Times Desk Chicken halwa is in the recipe today. This will be a special event. Let's know how to make this chick halwa.

Recipes Sana gelatinize


  • # chickpeas 4 cups
  • # cardamom seed powder one and a half teaspoons
  • # sugar 2 cups
  • # ghee 1 cup
  • # milk powder 2 cups
  • # semolina 4 tbsp
  • # Pistachio Nuts and Raisins

prepared method

First take a bowl with ghee. Then mix all the above ingredients together well. Now heat it in the oven. When the ingredients are rounded or mixed, pour them on a plate or tray and spread them like halwa. When cool, cut into barfi shapes with a knife. Now take it to the table and serve garnished with pistachio nuts and raisins.

Photo: Courtesy of

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