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How to make yourself more attractive in front of a woman

The Dhaka Times Desk There is much debate about how important a man's appearance is when it comes to dating or first sight of love. Some people say that when you love someone, love the person and not the outer appearance. Yet in this case the matter of his care comes strongly to the fore. And in reality, when a girl likes a man, she looks at his outer side first.


But let's see how you can make yourself more attractive to a woman. This opinion will actually make you more attractive but cannot be developed unless you develop yourself.

1. Adopting the right method of grooming:

Looking at the title, you might wonder where you spend all your time grooming yourself to make yourself attractive. It takes a bit of effort but grooming does not have to be a waste of time and separate training. Get up in the morning, brush your teeth, floss your mouth before going to sleep, use mouthwash and a good quality perfume or deodorant when you go out. Be careful in choosing the dress. That is, take care of the color direction. Watch your speech. Grooming can be done in between your busy schedule. Always keep one thing in mind that no one can see your inner side but he can understand how you really are from your outer side.

To know more read: Simple home remedies to remove blackheads on face and nose


2. A nice hairstyle:

One of the most important things today is to make yourself attractive. As mentioned earlier, your outer look comes first when it comes to attractiveness. And in that case your hair style will be noticed. We're past that 80s punk era so if you're trying to attract a cow by rocking your hair like back then, it's a mistake. Try to maintain taste in hairstyle. If you're thinking of Japanese Mimo women and thinking of getting a haircut like them, I'd say you'd be wrong. Women in our country are very sensitive. Tastefulness is a part of Bengali culture. As a result, the mentality of women has developed in this way. It may vary in some cases but in most cases they prefer elegant and tasteful men.


3. Your dress must fit:

Make sure your outfit doesn't make you look ridiculous. Wear clothes that fit your body well. If your health is dry, in that case look more at ready-made than bought clothes. There are some things to keep in mind while making clothes.

[A] Make sure that the shoulder of your shirt is exactly in line with your shoulder. Make the shirt sleeves exactly the size of the hand.

[b] Look at the collar of the shirt. It should not be hard. If it is too hard it will cause irritation to your neck.

[c] One thing to keep in mind while making pants is that nowadays pants don't have any plates. In the case of pants, keep it slightly above the ankle.


4. Maintain your personality:

Personality is useful in making yourself more attractive. Moreover, men with personality are attractive to everyone. Stand straight when you are talking to someone. Give the person speaking a chance to finish. Try to pay attention to his words. Try to express yourself in very few words. Being able to listen attentively to others is a big part of personality. Keep one thing in mind when it comes to talking with girls, psychologists often say one thing and that is they told you everything secret to talking with a girls is listening.

5. Take care of your health:

We all know that good health is a healthy mind. All women like men in good health. But in this case, you must take care of your stomach. It should not be greasy. You can do gym regularly it will make your fitness more attractive. Maintain some awareness when it comes to food. There are certain foods that will make your face more attractive. Moreover, you can eat more nutritious food.

For health awareness read: All the foods that help to reduce excess body weight

This is our arrangement for today. Try using the above mentioned techniques to make yourself attractive. You will see some changes in you. And the most important thing is that not only in the field of female attraction but also in corporate life nowadays, good looking is very important.

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