The Dhaka Times
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A Trinamool MP called Taslima Nasreen characterless!

The Dhaka Times Desk A Trinamool MP from Basirhat, West Bengal, India called Taslima Nasreen, a controversial writer in exile in Bangladesh, characterless.

Taslima Nasrin & Congress MP

Trinamool Congress MP from West Bengal's Basirhat, India, Idris Ali, termed exiled Bangladeshi controversial writer Taslima Nasreen as a characterless woman. Meanwhile, this comment of the Trinamool Congress MP has created an uproar in the whole of West Bengal.

Recently Basirhat Trinamool Congress MP Idris Ali alleged 'Taslima is a woman of bad character.' This Congress member did not stop calling Taslima, who was exiled from Bangladesh, a woman of bad character. He further alleged, 'Taslima is inciting communal riots in the society. Those who support him are following the same path and inciting communal strife.'

It should be noted that in 1994, the then government of Bangladesh exiled the progressive writer Taslima Nasreen accusing her of creating communal instability. Since then he was living in different countries of the world. Meanwhile, Taslima Nasreen has been living in Kolkata, India for almost two years. Still, various criticisms are raised about him from time to time.

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