The Dhaka Times
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BREAKING NEWS: 4 car collision on Bangabandhu Bridge: North Bengal bound lane closed

The Dhaka Times Desk 4 vehicles collided on Bangabandhu Bridge early Wednesday morning due to dense fog. Due to which the North Bengal direction lane of the bridge is closed.

Bangabandhu Bridge
File photo

Due to dense fog, 4 vehicles collided on Bangabandhu Bridge in Sirajganj on Wednesday morning. However, no casualty was found in this accident. Due to which the North Bengal direction lane of the bridge is closed.

Meanwhile, a huge traffic jam has been created from Tangail as one lane is closed. There are many bus-trucks waiting for North Bengal. The local administration said that the situation will be normal soon. Till the latest news, they are working to make the road on the bridge suitable for traffic.

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