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Design of habitable 'ice house' on Mars unveiled

This house will protect against the harsh environment of this red planet!

The Dhaka Times Desk After sending humans to Mars, NASA has unveiled the design of what their home will be like.

মঙ্গলে বসবাসযোগ্য 'বরফ বাড়ি'র নকশা উন্মোচন করা হলো 1

According to data from NASA researchers, the building material for building these houses will be an unexpected substance - and that is ice.

Because astronauts who travel to Mars will be traveling for weeks, not days, they need a place to stay that they can call home. This house will protect against the harsh environment of this red planet!

With all this in mind, researchers at NASA's Langley Research Center along with a group of architects have come up with a concept for a home called 'Mars Ice House'.

In this regard, NASA senior systems engineer Kevin Vipavetz told the media, 'After a day of thinking about the needs, goals, limitations, we thought of many strange ideas and finally came to the decision of this ice house design. NASA's ice house also has several advantages. It will be light and easy to be transported from one place to another by simple robots. Then it can be prepared by pouring water before the residents arrive.'

But to stay in the shelter it must also be protected from cosmic rays and radiation. Underground chambers would have been most effective for this task. But that requires very heavy equipment that is nearly impossible to carry to Mars. Hence there was a need for an alternative construction material that would be highly effective for such resistance. Ice is best suited in this case.

Sunlight will enter the house through the snow. That is why the living space will not look like a cave, but it will look like a house.

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