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The United States is also 'disgusted' with Myanmar in the case of torture on the Rohingyas!

Persecution of the Rohingya minority in Myanmar's Rakhine state

The Dhaka Times Desk Myanmar's situation with the Rohingya is getting increasingly confusing. The news of inhuman torture on the Rohingyas is also being published in the international media. In such a situation, the United States has become "disgusted" with Myanmar!

রোহিঙ্গাদের উপর নির্যাতনের ঘটনায় মিয়ানমারের প্রতি যুক্তরাষ্ট্রও ‘বিরক্ত’! 1

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said the United States is "very upset" with the country's persecution of the Rohingya minority in Myanmar's Rakhine state.

In a statement given at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Friday, Hale said that the situation of the Rohingya is getting worse day by day. US 'outraged' by attacks on Rohingya minority in Myanmar The US envoy called for respectful behavior towards the members of the community during the security operation.

The statement added that if such torture continues, the violence will continue to escalate. Because of this, the long-term solution to the problem will be blocked. He also recommended to follow the various directives of the former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan for the benefit of all the people of Rakhine State.

It should be noted that on the night of August 24, a terrorist attack took place on 24 police camps and an army residence in Rakhine State. The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), an organization of 'rebellious Rohingyas', also claimed responsibility for the attack. After this incident, Myanmar's security forces began to torture and brutally kill unarmed Rohingya women, men and children.

After the start of torture by the Myanmar army, the Rohingya started migrating towards the Bangladesh border. Again, many Rohingyas get the opportunity to stay in refugee camps in Bangladesh, but many are staying in the no-man's land on the border of the two countries.

রোহিঙ্গাদের উপর নির্যাতনের ঘটনায় মিয়ানমারের প্রতি যুক্তরাষ্ট্রও ‘বিরক্ত’! 2

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) last Friday reported that 270,000 Rohingya have entered Bangladesh since the renewed violence. It is expected that this number will increase to more than 3 lakh. In other words, in the last 11 months, more than 3.5 million Rohingyas have already entered Bangladesh. Around 1,000 Rohingyas have died in violence in Myanmar during this time. In such a situation, protests are being made in different countries of the world. The world is shocked by the actions of Myanmar. Demands have been raised to immediately stop the torture and provide citizenship to the Rohingyas.

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