The Dhaka Times
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Brief world news-6

Dhaka Times Desk Like every week, today we will bring you interesting news from around the world - hope you like it. The mass suicide of birds has affected the peaceful environment of Jatinga village in Assam's Halong Barail range.

Brief world news-5

Dhaka Times Desk Every Friday we organize short world news with all the interesting news of the world. Like every week, today there are some news happening in the world - which we may never have known. Television train!

Brief World News-4

Dhaka Times Desk Like every week, today we will bring you interesting news from around the world - hope you like it. A baby with 34 fingers easily gets his name in the Guinness Book of Records - a world record for such a baby just one year after birth.

Hagia Sophia Museum

The Dhaka Times Report. Every Tuesday, we bring to the readers a short world news organized on various news of the world. Even today, without exception, various kinds of funny news are presented. Read details..

Brief world news-2

Dhaka Times Desk Welcome to Friday's edition of World News Briefs. Today there are different types of news in the world for you. You will surely like this weekly arrangement. Nagar Coober Pedi is the only underground city in the world.
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