The Dhaka Times
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An onion weighs 9 kg!

The Dhaka Times Desk How much can an onion weigh? What do you think of that? Maybe not. But this time an onion has been heard that the weight of the onion is 9 kg! To know more read details -

The price of an onion is 64 rupees!

The Dhaka Times Desk Onion prices have increased not only in the country but also in the world record. Onions are going on all over the country. In such a situation, an Indian onion was sold for 64 taka in Chunarughat in Habiganj recently! To know more…

Now coming onion substitute 'Chive'!

The Dhaka Times Desk The controversy over onions has been going on for the past one month. The price of onion of 30 taka per kg went up by about three hundred taka. Although in the last two days, it has come down again between 130 or 150 taka. This time coming as an alternative idea of onion 'chive'! More…

TCB Onion: Some relief in public mind

The Dhaka Times Desk As the price of onion is above 100 rupees, there is a panic situation among the common people. However, as government initiative started selling onion at Tk 65 per kg through TCB, public mind has regained some comfort. Read more…
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