The Dhaka Times
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Roja Health

How to work in Ramadan

The Dhaka Times Desk During Ramadan, we become physically weaker due to fasting. Due to this our natural performance is also affected. But if you are a little aware and follow some things, it is not difficult to be active in Ramadan. Know more -

7 reasons to eat more papaya

The Dhaka Times Desk Papaya has been appreciated since a long time, especially for enhancing beauty and brightening the skin. Not just skin care. You will be surprised to know how many more qualities papaya has. Let's find out why papaya is a healthy food. Read details -

10 Ways to Eliminate Acidity

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, almost everyone, young and old, has acidity problems due to junk food. But if we know some rules we can easily stay away from this acidity. Today's report is about how to remove this acidity.