The Dhaka Times
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5 'Travel Movies' for Travelers

The Dhaka Times Desk Countless travel movies have been made. Everyone likes different movies. The movie that puts one at the top of the list; It does not count any other movie lovers! Today is the first episode of the travel movie. More…

Some important tips for traveling in winter!

The Dhaka Times Desk This is the tradition of Bengali traveling jokes, and there is no alternative to winter for travelling. In this Bangladesh, it is possible to take as many vacations and as many office earnings as possible in winter. Also, everything from children's school holidays coincides with one another. To know more…

How to reduce the cost of travel!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a saying among travelers, 'If traveling were free, I would be hard to find.' That is, going on a trip would have been quite simple. But you can make your trip enjoyable on a budget if you want.…

"Niladri" is a blue state of Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk "Niladri" in blue color. It's like getting lost in the blue kingdom. Yes talking about Niladri, wondering what it is again? This place full of heavenly beauty is not in Kashmir but in our country! Are you surprised? It is wrong to think of Kashmir after seeing the picture...

How to go to Nepal by road

The Dhaka Times Desk If you want to travel from Himalayan Nepal at a low cost, you can travel by road. India transit visa will be required to travel to Nepal by road. Changrabandha/Raniganj will give entry and exit port while taking transit visa. More…

Darjeeling is the queen of rock cities

The Dhaka Times Desk Known as the "Queen of Rock Cities", Darjeeling is famous for tea production located in the Himalayas, the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, which is a (UNESCO) World Heritage Site. This rock town developed in the mid-19th century, when the British…

Bhutan is a haven of natural beauty

The Dhaka Times Desk Bhutan is a land of natural beauty. Covered in dense greenery, Bhutan is calm, quiet and clean This is Bhutan, the land of King Wangchuck of a different obsession, a different feeling There are many things to enjoy in this well organized country.…

Arial bill for one day trip

The Dhaka Times Desk Vast fields flooded in monsoon and dry in winter. In a state of water without waves. Shapla flower has raised its head in the swaying water-forest. Numerous white bucks are flying parallel to the white clouds across the sky. If you want to go to this magical world, you have to go…

Three zamindarbari in a day only 360 taka

The Dhaka Times Desk Who likes daily office work? When you are getting crushed by the pressure of work in the busy city life, you can visit any sightseeing place around Dhaka. It will take only 360 taka to visit three zamindarbari in one day. Read on to know more…

Explore the Sultanate of Oman

The Dhaka Times Desk Zero, zero just around. I went by bicycle in the silence of the heart-touching Ruba Al Khali. The song floating in the corner of the mind is the sea on one side and the desert on the other - as if matching with the country. The country is the Sultanate of Oman. To know more…
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