The Dhaka Times
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IS on the way to peace leaving terror!

Meanwhile, 11 militants have surrendered to the Afghan government

The Dhaka Times Desk Really good news to say. And the good news is that ISIS is coming to the path of peace by leaving terror! Eleven militants have already surrendered to the Afghan government. They want to lay down arms and return to the path of peace.

সন্ত্রাস ছেড়ে শান্তির পথে আইএস! 1

ISIS militants want to leave the path of terror and return to the path of peace. Meanwhile, 11 militants have surrendered to the Afghan government. They want to lay down arms and return to the path of peace.

Even the Afghan government considers this to be unprecedented. Not only that, the Afghan government has claimed that more militants will return to the mainstream in the coming days. Because the return of these militants to the mainstream will definitely be an inspiration to other militants as well.

Afghanistan's Jawazan province is known to be dominated by IS. 11 militants from that area have surrendered to the Afghan army by handing over their firearms. This incident happened in Sheberghan.

Afghan police officer Ghulam Ali said IS militants are very active in Darjab district of Jawajan province. However, they want to be freed from the long-running war of IS with the government. IS militants have pleaded to return to their families.

On the other hand, the surrendered militants told the local media that people like us lost their lives in the clash between IS and Taliban militants. Thus there is no benefit without being harmed. Surrendered militants have made sensational confessions that their fighting power is diminishing day by day.

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