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Make delicious kebabs without meat at home

You can't think that kebabs without meat can't be so delicious

The Dhaka Times Desk It's hard to find people who don't like eating kebabs. Everyone, young and old, loves kebabs. Kebabs are rarely prepared at home. If you go to any restaurant or party, you will see kebabs. Usually kebabs are made with meat. But today we will make a tasty kebab without meat. Many may be thinking how to make kebabs without meat? But let's know the formula for making kebabs without meat.

Ingredients for making kebabs:

1. Kathal Bichi 1 cup
2. Half a cup of chopped onion
3. Garlic paste 1 tsp
4. 1 tablespoon of chopped green chillies
5. Chilli powder 1 tsp
6. Cumin 1 tsp
7. Garam masala 1 tsp
8. Coriander leaves 3 tbsp
9. Besan/biscuit powder 2 tbsp
10. 1 egg
11. Salt to taste
12. Amount of edible oil

Method of preparation:

First, the white skin on the jackfruit seeds should be peeled off and boiled well. Then when it is cooked, remove it from the oven and remove the top red skin. Now the jackfruit seeds have to be crushed in a blender or in a blender. No water should be added while mixing or blending.

Now mix the jackfruit flour with all other ingredients except oil. Then shape them into kebabs. If it is difficult to shape the kebabs, mix it again with a little gram flour/biscuit powder. Never use flour to make kebabs. Then the taste of the kebab will be lost.

Now fry the kebabs well with oil in a frypan. Delicious meatless kebabs are ready. Now take everyone together and serve this delicious dish.

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