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To reduce the risk of heart disease, sleep for 7 hours every day

The Dhaka Times Desk Sleep is very beneficial for humans. This has been proven time and time again. This time, scientists have found in a study, regular sleep of more than 7 hours is very effective in protecting the heart.

7 hours of sleep per day

Doctors have long suggested that moderate food intake, regular exercise and smoking cessation can reduce the risk of death such as heart disease and stroke. However, according to the BBC, in the new study, European scientists found some evidence of reducing the risk of death from heart disease by sleeping moderately.

For the past 10 years, a group of researchers in the Netherlands have been monitoring the issue among 14,000 men and women. It can be seen that 600 people are found among them who are suffering from heart disease and 129 of them died. By taking common precautions like regular exercise, moderate diet and avoiding smoking, 57 percent of people are prevented from heart disease and 67 percent from other related diseases. Apart from this, the regular practice of more than 7 hours of sleep along with the conventional cautious lifestyle reduces the risk of death from heart disease by 67 percent to 83 percent, the researchers said. The research report was published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

Professor Grith S. Tell of the University of Bergen in Norway said that the main lesson of this study is that sleep should be considered as an important factor for good health. -BBC.

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