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Police uniform without pockets to prevent bribery!

We used to think that only in our country there is a custom of bribery and corruption. But not only that, bribery is also prevalent in other countries of the world

The Dhaka Times Desk Corruption is rampant now. We used to think that only in our country there is a custom of bribery and corruption. But not only that, bribery is also prevalent in other countries of the world. So the Kenyan government plans to make police uniforms without pockets to prevent bribery!

ঘুষ ঠেকাতে পকেট ছাড়া পুলিশের ইউনিফর্ম! 1

Corruption is rampant now. We used to think that only in our country there is a custom of bribery and corruption. But not only that, bribery is also prevalent in other countries of the world. So the Kenyan government plans to make police uniforms without pockets to prevent bribery!

Although bribery is prevalent in all areas of society, the words police and bribery are inextricably linked. Because police bribery is always heard everywhere. What police stations in the country can claim that none of their officers, constables, home guards or staff have ever been bribed? There are allegations against the police of accepting bribes from various places. Allegations of taking bribes against the police are not recent, but long-standing. But this time, those days may be coming to an end for the Kenyan police.

The Kenyan government has taken such a novel approach to prevent policemen from accepting bribes. There will be no more pockets in the police uniform! The Kenyan government has made such a decision to stop taking bribes!

It has been reported by the country's government that police uniforms will no longer have pockets for holding bribes. It will reduce the tendency to take bribes! What is it really? Police will not take bribes if there is no place to keep money? What is a possible thing? As we used to see tabils (made of cloth, tied to shrines) by the village traders in our country. Of course, the tabil of the previous era will be arranged!

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