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Foods that contain genenin can keep you young

The Dhaka Times Desk Your daily lifestyle and food intake affects the aging of your body and face. So if you want to retain your youth, eating certain foods regularly will keep you young. Today we will tell you about 10 foods that will keep you young. Read more to know…


Healthy food will keep you healthy. Foods rich in protein and grains help build your muscles properly. However, excess fatty foods can harm your body. On the other hand, cholesterol-free fruits and vegetables will reduce your age wrinkles. Make you young and alive. So it is important to know the foods that need to be included in the diet to retain youth.

1. Food crops: An American study showed that those who ate flour bread had fewer health problems and their waistlines grew at a proportional rate about 3 times smaller than those who ate white bread (rice flour) or other sugary foods. So if you don't want to overeat, eat wholemeal breads and whole grains instead of rice or other white breads.

2. Eat more fish Fish is a great source of protein for your body. Fish plays a special role in increasing hormones in the human body and controls appetite. So you can include fish in your diet. But avoid oily fish like pangas fish. These oily fish contain omega-3 fatty acids that contribute to wrinkles and blemishes on the face.

3. Do not eat bacterial foods As you age, the amount of bacteria in your digestive tract increases. Bacterial growth usually accelerates after the age of 35. It causes slow digestion and stomach bloating. This condition is caused by taking dairy or probiotic foods. So avoid these.

4. Eat food with moisturizer: As you age, your skin tends to become drier and duller. Moisturizer plays a major role in keeping skin alive. As we age, the moisturizing glands in the skin become smaller. So eat more foods with moisturizers. Foods that have moisturizers are pears, nuts etc. You can also apply olive oil regularly on the skin which is available in the market as olive oil.

5. Do not eat biscuits All types of biscuits are high in calories. After the age of 30, when the body needs less calories, excess calories can make you fat and reduce your beauty to a great extent. So avoid eating biscuits as much as you can.

6. Avoid light food like breakfast Throughout the day, we have various light snacks along with the main meal, which gradually fills our body with a lot of calories. So after meals or at other times light snacks should be avoided. But instead of light food you can eat fruit root. Light foods like ice cream, chips, chocolate should be reduced.

7. Avoid alcohol: Alcohol is enough to age your skin. Anything in excess is bad for you, but you can have a glass of red wine on the weekend if you need to, at a body-tolerable level.

8. Eat regular meals: It is important for our body to eat every three hours. Many people think that eating less will improve health. The idea is completely wrong. It gives your body the nutrients it needs. You may become weak. In this, many times, the various veins inside your body lose their functionality. So it is important to take moderate meals on time.

9. Fruit and vegetable food: Foods like fruits and vegetables contain chemicals that help retain youth. So your diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables.

10. Avoid salty food: Many people eat extra salt, many take extra salt with rice. Eating more salt than necessary is not good for the human body. Excess salt intake is bad for your skin and heart.

Source: The Times of India.

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