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A new detailed tutorial on MS WORD

Microsoft Word is a widely used software for writing. Ward is widely used in personal computers apart from office courts and schools colleges. Apart from writing, small designing, book making, various tasks are done with this software. Even a person with little computer knowledge can get used to it as its usage rules are very simple. Today I will discuss some tips and tricks of other things that can be done in Microsoft Word apart from writing.


Change font from keyboard:
Normally, typing requires us to repeatedly use the mouse to fix the font. This problem is bound when Bengali and English have to be typed at the same time. But if you take a keyboard shortcut, you don't have to do this anymore. Therefore, first of all launch Word and select Record Macro from the Macro dropdown from the Vies menu


Now the box that will appear should give any name in Macro name, like I have given bangla, now click on Keyboard icon


Now select the mouse in the empty box of Press new shortcut key and press F8 from the keyboard, click on Assign and close


Now go to the Home menu and select your specific Bengali font and size, and again go to the View menu and click on Stop Recording from the Macro dropdown.


Now restart Microsoft and press F8 from the keyboard, you will see that the Bengali font is selected, similarly you can create a shortcut for the English font.

Tab browsing facility in Word:
Many of us work with multiple documents in Microsoft Word. And that's why going from one document to another wastes a lot of time. Adding Tab Browsing facility to Word will help you get the job done in less time. Download and install from here


Use of Auto Shapes:
By using Auto Shapes you can create different designs, you can also give 3D effect to the design. Below are some tips. In the picture, select Insert from the menu and there are numerous shapes in the submenu Basic Shapes, Flowchart, Stars and Banners. From here I selected a smiley emo in Basic Shapes


Now you can design it in different ways. I have given yellow color. You will get more different colors if you click on the number 2 place as shown in the image below


Besides, you can also give 3D effects by clicking on Sapes Effects


You can add different text by right clicking the mouse button on the image and clicking Add text


How to write the mathematical terms of Math:
Different mathematical terms like: X2 +Y2= 1 and see how to write H2, H2o of chemistry in the word. First, write X2 in the word, now if you want to take it up, select 2 and press ctrl + shift + = together from the keyboard, you will see the image below.


Now if you want to move 2 down, press ctrl + =


See a full term written in the image below


There is no end to learning in Microsoft Word. The more you practice, the more new things will be revealed to you. So far today, I will bring some more important tutorials on Microsoft Word.

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