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Mars has more carbon dioxide

The Dhaka Times Desk Martian air is high in carbon dioxide. The rover Curiosity, sent by the US space agency NASA, detected it by observing samples of the Martian air.


At the same time, Curiosity's laboratory is reporting that the actual atmosphere of Mars has been damaged in most places. Curiosity's Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument tested the concentrations of various gases in the Martian atmosphere. Sam's in Curiosity's Laboratory

Experiments have shown that the Martian atmosphere is rich in various types of gases and isotopes. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different mass numbers. For example, the common carbon isotope is carbon-12 and the strong isotope is carbon-13.

According to NASA researchers, the atmosphere of Mars is mostly carbon-dioxide. It contains different isotopes of carbon and oxygen. Curiosity's Sam experimented with the ratio of strong to common isotopes.

The research paper on Curiosity's analysis was published in the journal Science. Source: Gennews

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