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Male and female physical processes are changing? Men's eggs are women's sperm!

The Dhaka Times Desk The physical processes of men and women are changing. A new information has emerged in various studies of the world of creation. From now on, the rules are changing. Men will have eggs and women will have sperm.

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According to the rules of creation, sperm is formed in the male body and ovum is formed in the female body. A new life is created when the sperm of the man finds shelter in the egg of the woman. This time, sperm will be produced not only from men, but also from women's bodies, and eggs will come from men's bodies instead of women's. In this way, Japanese scientists have claimed that it will be possible to change the physical processes given by nature in the future. Katsuhiko Hayashi, a researcher at Kyoto University in Japan, said in his research paper that they took mouse skin cells and created embryonic cells (primordial germ cells - PGCs) from them. This primordial germ cell is the common precursor of female or male reproductive cells. Cells that transform into eggs in the female body and sperm in the male body.

According to researcher Katsuhiko Hayashi, it is possible to create embryos in a test tube using these living cells called PGCs.

However, the researchers' experiments with primordial germ cells are still in the early stages. However, Hayashi and researcher Mitinori Saito are very optimistic about this research. If this is possible, they say, it would be astonishing in terms of reproduction. New aspects of medical science will be opened. Women will be freed from the curse of infertility easily.

Hayashi and Saito said that if their research is successful, it will be possible to give birth to a child by making eggs from the skin cells of infertile women. Moreover, eggs or sperm can be easily produced from the skin cells of any body, male or female.

Hayashi also said that this would make possible the unreal, the creation of sperm in the body of women and eggs in the body of men. Their research paper was published in the journal Scientific American. Source: Asian News International.

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