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Women who have more children live longer!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no shortage of human efforts to increase life expectancy. Right from eating habits, we are vigilant about all things healthy. This time, researchers said, women who have more children live longer!

More child-bearing age women

A surprising fact that has recently come out in a new study. The study found that women live longer by having more children.

The study also said that the telomeres of women's cells tend to lengthen after having children. By doing this, cells get longevity. Because every DNA has a telomere at the end.

Researchers say the longer the telomere, the more likely the cell is repaired. The study involved 75 women who had two children each. Their telomere length was measured twice 13 years apart.

Professor Pablo Nepomanaschi of Simon Fraser University's Department of Health Sciences told the media, 'A woman's biological lifespan increases with pregnancy. Women who have fewer children also have a slower rate of telomere shortening. After having a child, the amount of estrogen hormone in a woman's body increases dramatically. This hormone contains an antioxidant that prevents telomere shortening.

According to Hindustan Times, the women participating in the study lived a normal life during the study. It shows that as the number of children of women increases, so does their life expectancy. This is confirmed by the researchers based on the data found in their research.

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