The Dhaka Times
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A woman saw the world with fake eyes!

The Dhaka Times Desk Such news is really hopeful for everyone. The news is that for the first time in the world, a woman saw the world with fake eyes!


Is it possible to return the light to the eyes of the blind with false eyes? It was really thought so for a long time. However, this time after the successful replacement of bionic eyes, the researchers are confident enough about this. A woman who had lost her vision 7 years ago is able to perceive the shape of objects after a bionic eye transplant. He can see colors too. The research team was excited by this unexpected success.

Researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles have made such an event. They surgically implanted a wireless visual stimulator chip into the brain of a 30-year-old blind woman. Thanks to which the woman can now see the color lines, spots, signals. Those signals and lines from a computer were being sent to a chip implanted in the brain. He was the first to be tested on the human brain.

Basically, this technology is stimulating the visual cortex of the brain by sending signals directly. According to the makers of the device, the Bionic Eye technology has been developed with people who have lost their vision due to glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cancer or trauma. FDA approval is expected by 2017.

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