The Dhaka Times
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Many benefits of tea

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people do not want to drink tea at night. As a reason, tea will not sleep at night. But what is really so? Tea never causes insomnia. Rather, tea has many benefits for people.


Red tea which we call Rong tea has many benefits than milk tea. We have seen many times that tea works as a 'cancer prevention'. This is absolutely not a lie. We also know that tea is very beneficial for various diseases including malaria, typhoid.

Tea is consumed by people from all over the world. However, many people do not know the benefits of this tea. It is necessary to know what the scientists say about this.
Scientists say that tea is not only the most popular, but also one of the healthiest drinks, as the antioxidants and vitamins it contains help a lot in keeping the heart and blood vessels healthy. But a recent article published in the European Heart Journal suggests that adding milk to tea destroys a lot of its antioxidant properties. Studies of people who drink black tea and milk tea have shown that milk tea is not as positive for blood vessels as black tea without milk or colored tea (raw tea). Although the reason is not clear, it is thought that the milk fat combines with the tea's antioxidant properties to neutralize them.

So drink more tea and stay healthy.

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