The Dhaka Times
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Division canceled Saka on death row

The Dhaka Times Desk BNP leader Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury, who was accused of crimes against humanity in 1971, was sentenced to death after his division was cancelled. He is now kept on death row.


War criminal Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury, imprisoned in Central Jail-1, Kashimpur, was stripped of all VIP privileges and sent to cell number 30 in prisoner's garb at night.

Jail sources said, after the verdict, he was first sent from the court to Dhaka Central Jail and later transferred to Kashimpur in a prison van under police guard at 9:30 pm on Tuesday. Earlier, he was sent to the capital's central jail on Monday to appear in court on Tuesday.

It is known that BNP leader Salauddin Quader and Jamaat leader Delawar Hossain Saidi, Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid and JMB leader Salauddin Saleheen have 78 convicts on death row in Kashimpur Central Jail-1.

It is to be noted that before the death sentence, Saka was in VIP status in Chitra Bhavan in the prison itself. Saka Chowdhury was sent to this prison on September 23 last year. His VIP privilege has been revoked according to Kara rules, Zeller said.

He was sentenced to death in a war crime case on Tuesday for the murder of Nutan Chandra Singh, the owner of the Kundeshwari pharmacy in Raujan, the massacre of Hindu settlements in Sultanpur and Unsattarpara, and the abduction and murder of an Awami League leader and his son in Hathajari.

In addition to this, the BNP Standing Committee member has been sentenced to 20 years in prison on three charges of murder, aiding and abetting the planning of genocide and looting, arson and forced migration. In addition, five years imprisonment has been imposed in two incidents of kidnapping and torture. International Tribunal-1 Chairman Justice ATM Fazle Kabir announced the death sentence on Tuesday.

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