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5,000-year-old Iraqi city discovered 30 feet underground

The Dhaka Times Desk Archaeologists have discovered a 5,000-year-old prosperous city in Iraq 30 feet deep. This city named Idu was a great repository of the art culture of the then prosperous Iraq.


Archaeologists discovered the ancient city of Idu in the south of Iraq's Kurdistan province, where they found artefacts, plates, scrolls and other ancient valuables that once adorned the homes of citizens of this industrial city.

The discovery process of Idu city first started 5 years ago today. At that time a plate was found inscribed with Idu's name along with other works of art. Archaeologists have been working on the mystery of Idu since then and finally discovered the ancient city approximately 30 feet underground.

It is believed that the excavated part of the city of Idu was the offering and market area of the then king of the city. In this ancient city.


Currently researching this ancient city of Germany Leipzig University faculty and students. They believe that the area was around 3,300 years ago Assyrian was under the king. Again, some signs show that this city was a free land of violent people where everyone lived like everyone else but there was a lot of violence.


More can be seen in Alamte Assyrian They lived independently for 140 years before coming under the king. Among the various artefacts found here are some rock carvings showing a humanoid masked man guarding a lion. Another artwork shows a hunter hunting a winged lion with a bow and arrow and is inscribed, 'Palace of Ba'auri, king of the land of Idu, son of Edima, also king of the land of Idu.' which stands for 'This is the kingdom of the king of Bauri, known as Idu, the son of Bauri Idima who is the king of Idu.'

archeologist Cinzia Pappi Said, "We are very lucky because we have been able to discover such an old city of history which will help us to know many things. This is the first archaeological discovery here since the 2003 Iraq War.”

The sad news is that the Kurdistan administration has stopped any kind of excavation work at the site of Idu. But archaeologists want to reach an agreement with the administration of Kurdistan as soon as possible and start digging again.

Thank you: Daily mail

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