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Control Multiple Computers with One Mouse and Keyboard [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people use many computers at the same time, so they have to struggle with desk space. Because keeping the keyboard, mouse and saving space on the table is really a very troublesome thing. Let me introduce you today to solve this problem Mouse Without Borders! with a Microsoft garage project called Let's go to the tutorial!


This software A maximum of four Computers can be connected to each other through a LAN card or WiFi network. When the computers are connected, you can transfer files, copy and paste from one computer to another by dragging and dropping with a single mouse. A keyboard can be used to do typing on any computer at any time. Let's see how it works!

First of all Mouse Without Borders Download the software, when the download is complete, click on the window that will appear Accept and Install Select and install.


Then install this software on the rest of the computers as well. When the installation is complete, the software will prompt you to connect to your other computer. Click Yes, then you will be given a code to enter into the software on the other computer.

Enter the code and open the connection. Now move the mouse, you can easily move from one computer to another! As mentioned earlier, you can easily copy paste, import files, try it out!

In this way, connect the rest of the computers to each other.

Disagree The PC on which you are installing the software will use the mouse and keyboard, even if the rest of the PCs do not have a mouse and keyboard.

Reference: The Tech Journal

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