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Mangalchari spacecraft Curiosity speed up

The Dhaka Times Desk Curiosity has already spent a year on the red planet Mars. And during this period, scientists are conducting various experiments on Curiosity. Recently, NASA scientists said that the Mars rover has increased its speed.


The current target of the Mangalchari Curiosity is the planet Mount Sharp The name of the mountain. On June 5 this year, NASA announced that Curiosity had begun its journey towards the mountain and would take about nine months to reach it. NASA scientists have announced this increase in speed on the way. The increase in speed comes shortly after the two-day auto operation that ended on Monday.

Earlier this robot sent by NASA is moving automatically. But before these automated missions, NASA scientists usually set the course. But in the case of this automatic expedition, it has been seen that the scientists gave the necessary directions on the first day of the expedition on Sunday. It can be seen that the next day i.e. Monday also this robot is running throughout the day without any additional instructions.

The Mangalchari Curiosity first went 180 feet (55 meters) from the control of scientists on Sunday. It then goes into automatic mode and traverses another 125 feet or 38 meters. The next day, using the previous day's instructions, the vehicle travels 105 feet or 32 meters. Curiosity advanced a total of 410 feet during the two-day mission.

According to the latest news on Tuesday, Curiosity is 262 feet away from Cooperstown, one of the most interesting places for scientists on Mars. Geological analysis of the rocky outcrop Cooperstown will help scientists better understand Mars. Here is a kind of substance, which scientists have also seen in the orbit of Mars.

References: Gizmag

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