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EU will not send observers to the 10th parliamentary elections

The Dhaka Times Desk The EU will not send observers to the upcoming 10th parliamentary elections. European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, said in a statement on Friday that the sending of observers to the Bangladesh elections has been suspended.


The statement of the EU also mentions that, despite the efforts of various parties including the United Nations, the political forces of Bangladesh have failed to meet the conditions of a participatory election. The statement added, “The EU is ready to observe these elections. But for that there has to be an atmosphere like holding a transparent, participatory and credible election.”

In her statement, Catherine Ashton requested politicians to respect the right of the people of Bangladesh to express their democratic views besides refraining from violence.


Meanwhile, domestic election monitoring organizations have also given permission not to monitor this election. According to them, they are in favor of not monitoring because the security measures are inadequate. But they haven't said anything final yet.

It should be noted that the next 10th National Parliament election will be held on January 5. However, most of the political parties, including the main opposition BNP, abstained from the elections. On the other hand, 154 candidates of 300 seats were elected unopposed during the memorial period. In such a situation, there are many fears and doubts about this election in the country and abroad.

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