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Discovery of medicine to reduce human aging!

The Dhaka Times Desk Age is an inevitable factor in our life, whether you like it or not you have to grow up, as the clock ticks you will continue to age. However, American scientists have now announced that they have discovered a drug capable of slowing down aging.


Mitochondria is the main powerhouse of every cell in our body, Mitochondria provide energy to every cell in the body so that we are able to work. But as we age, the cells' mitochondria reduce energy production, causing our body cells to age and we gradually become weaker.

This time, the scientists of Harvard Medical School in America said that they have successfully increased the mitochondria strength of the organism by applying special medicine to the mice.

Until now, the increase in age has been considered one way, but scientists have now proved that it is possible to reduce the age if you want! Scientists have mentioned it as a historical discovery.

If a chemical called NAD is introduced into the body, the mitochondria in the cells of the body will be energized, making any 60-year-old man feel as active and energetic as a 20-year-old youth, and he will become as strong as a 20-year-old at the age of 60.


For now, the drug has been used in research on a 2-year-old rat to become as functional and fertile as a 6-month-old rat.


Scientists have expressed their opinion that this discovery will start a new era in the history of science. It should be noted that many people undergo laser and cosmetic surgery to reduce their age, even though their appearance changes, their physical strength remains the same as before, so this new discovery can reduce the age of people.

Source: The TechJournal
Thank you: BBC

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