The Dhaka Times
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The election is not leaving Ershad behind: Is Ershad still in the hospital?

The Dhaka Times Desk Ershad has not been heard from for more than a week. In such a situation, many have raised the question of whether Ershad is still in the hospital? Or has come home secretly through an agreement? On the other hand, the election still clings to Ershad like an octopus.


All such questions are hitting people's minds now. However, a Jatiya Party leader told reporters a few days ago that Ershad is still in the hospital. But in the last one week, there is no news in the newspapers. It seems that Ershad suddenly took a dive.

Many people think that since the election is near, Ershad is quiet. Will inform again after understanding the situation. But whoever says it, understanding Ershad's mood is a very difficult task. There is no exact address when Ershad's mood swings.

Jatiya Party Secretary General Ruhul Amin Hawladar last week called the journalists to say something and after sitting for a long time, he cut off. Much has been written about this. Why he called the reporters and why he got caught again is a mystery.

On the other hand, even after Roshan Ershad met Ershad at CMH, he did not say anything to the journalists. Although some of Roshan Ershad's statements came in the media, they came in a tongue-in-cheek manner.

On the other hand, one person who always cleared Ershad's issue is GM Quader, Ershad's brother. He has resigned from the ministry and has also stated several times that Ershad is not in the election with this government.

Expressing doubts about the election, Ershad has already said that the people will call him unfaithful if he goes to the election with Awami League without all the parties. And if we don't go to the election, then the country will have a one-sided election. That government may last a year or more. There are three ways to change the government. One is election, second is military queue and the other is armed revolution. The question is which one will the people choose, he said, Jatiya Party is no longer in the Grand Alliance. Despite all such statements, one statement came from Ershad and Jatiya Party leaders.

On the other hand, Kazi Zafar Ahmed created another controversy by forming a new committee. Ershad says that he is the real chairman of the Jatiya Party and Kazi Zafar is again denying it and trying to go his own way. In such a situation, Ershad's Jatiya Party is breaking up and becoming more fragmented.

No matter what happens now. Ershad's Jatiya Party has already won 19 seats unopposed in the upcoming elections. Ershad is caught in the net of election despite saying that he will not vote. Now he may be in the hospital or wherever the 'official' election is not leaving him behind. But everything will be clear after the elections when the Congress will take oath. Now the people are waiting for him. Let's see what direction Ershad's future politics will take.

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