The Dhaka Times
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Even if the blockade is lifted, the leaders and workers are not in the field!

The Dhaka Times Desk BNP-led Tana blockade started from January 1. There are 18 groups in this last phase of the movement. But it seems completely indifferent. Because there was no picketing on the streets yesterday or today.


The streets of the capital were completely devoid of pickets during this continuous blockade which started from 6 am yesterday on Wednesday. No activists entered the field. The party office area of Nayapaltan was completely empty. Apart from the police and media workers, no party worker was seen there. The same is true of the chairperson's office in Gulshan. The excitement surrounding Khaleda Zia's residence was only in the media. No leader-worker was seen there. Maybe the police won't let you go there but won't try to go, what happens. BNP is such a huge party. But they do not have leaders? They did not let their leader go out, just sat on TV and watched!

Meanwhile, the ambassadors of different countries have just arrived. On the first day, the British High Commissioner was followed by America's Dan Mozina. Had a meeting with Khaleda Zia. But the presence of party leaders and workers was not there either. Although some leaders tried to go there and were arrested. But the workers could have tried to go closer to Khaleda Zia's residence but did not. Again such an incident happened in the March for Democracy program. Barricades have been provided in the capital. The car has been stopped for long distances. But the leaders and activists from around Dhaka could march towards Dhaka. no one came Vehicles were also stopped during the Dhaka blockade program of Hefajat. But many people from neighboring districts came with the procession. Couldn't get in at first because of the police barricade. but came It was not seen in the program of BNP.

If the leaders and workers are not in the field, how will the movement be strengthened and how will it be successful? Apart from car vandalism and violent acts, it is possible to make demands through peaceful protests which we have seen in the past.

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