The Dhaka Times
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Context Attacks on Minorities: Life with a Diaspora at Home

The Dhaka Times Desk Since the election night of January 5, a vicious cycle has descended on the minorities in different parts of the country. Today, the minorities are living in their own homes with poor foreigners!


The attack started after the January 5 elections in different parts of the country including Jessore's Malopara. The people of these affected areas are now living as diaspora in their own homes. No one can live in the house at night. They have to leave their homes and run away to other places. Why do they have such a situation? Why do they have to live as expatriates at home today?


One attack after another on the Hindu community was not accepted by the sane people of this country. It is strongly protested in various places. Various programs including human bonding have been undertaken. Shahbagh Gana Jagran Manch has already stood by the victims in Malopara. Again, the activists and supporters of Ganajagran Manch have already left to stand by the various victims of the northern region.


We all should stand by the victims and reassure them. So that they do not become fearful weapons. Communalism is not new in our country today. For ages we have seen the coexistence of Hindus, Christians, Buddhists and Muslims in this country. No one ever obstructs anyone's practice of religion. We are all citizens of this country. We have equal rights. But in recent times, a 'sinister' political cycle is destroying the centuries-old Bengali tradition of this country. They are attacking the minorities of the country for political gain.


Today it is imperative for all of us to stand by the minority. We have to convince them that we will not allow the past traditions of this country to be destroyed by the pursuit of the interests of some individuals. We have always been and are by their side. Let us all stand beside them and be their companions in happiness and sorrow.

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