The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Alur Lalmohan

The Dhaka Times Desk Among the sweet items made with potato, we have Aalur Lalmohan for you today.



  • # boiled chopped potatoes 1 cup
  • # boiled flour 1 cup
  • # powdered milk 2 tbsp
  • # ghee 4 tbsp
  • # baking powder quarter tsp
  • # Cardamom seeds 8-10
  • # sugar 3 cups
  • # water 3 cups
  • # Mawa powder half cup
  • # is like oil quantity for frying
  • Lal Mohon-2

    the method

    Boil water, sugar, cardamom seeds and make syrup. Now mix potatoes, flour, powdered milk, ghee, baking powder together well. Now make round sweets and put them in a container. Now add oil and ghee to the kadai of the stove, when it is light, put the sweets made into rounds. When it turns red, leave it in the syrup. When cool, take it out of the sirah and sprinkle mawa on top and serve on a plate.

    Image courtesy:

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Catering, Dhaka.

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